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Chakra Balance Course

The Dyan Garris Chakra Balance Course is a double accredited distance learning course accredited by both  the American Council of Holistic Healers and the World Metaphysical Association.

Dyan Garris is also approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. #451590-11.  This course is 50 hours of continuing education credit.

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NCBTMBLogoWorldmetaphysicallogo-copyCourse Objectives and Outline for Dyan Garris Chakra Balance Certification Course:

Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

*Implement effective breathing, grounding, and centering techniques

*Be able to focus, hold a focus, and meditate proficiently

*Be able to see, sense, or have a clear knowing about their chakra system

*Understand the healing power of sound and how it resonates in the chakras

*Learn how energy flows through the chakra system and the physical body and how to work effectively with energy, i.e., practitioner will be able to connect the dots

*Have increased and heightened intuition

*Have increased awareness of the chakra system on many different levels

*Learn what colors are associated with which chakras and the specific energy contained in each chakra and what it’s for

*Clear and balance their chakras, using different methods and a combination of integrative methods

*Understand the technique of Automatic Chakra Balance(TM)

*Understand the foundations of integration of mind, body, and spirit.

*This is a 12 week course (50 hours of NCBTMB continuing eductation credit if you need continuing ed.) It is offered with certified instructor and Chakra Intuitive Louise Vidaurri.

The energy of this learning flows, builds, and integrates, as does all energy. When you establish a momentum of energy you need to learn to follow it , flow with it, and most importantly, integrate it.  It’s an integral part of the course to understand how energy flows.

The 12 week course is offered only through certified instructor and Chakra Intuitive,

Louise Vidaurri.

Testimonials for the Dyan Garris Chakra Balance Certification Course

Thank you so very much for offering this Chakra Balance, course, Dyan!  What a journey this has been!  From the start to the final exam, I was challenged, edified, and was able to meet my authentic self in ways that were simultaneously terrifying and wonderful. Your course allowed me to separate the wheat from the chaff in ways I had never done before which is a testimony, Dyan to your profound understanding of the human soul. ~ Stephanie

The best thing I ever did was take your course. I can reset myself, reground, or  center in the blink of an eye…and I feel there are even more talents to manifest as I get stronger in this ability. But this course has been a life changer in so many ways.  ~ Patricia F.

The Chakra Balance course has changed my life on many levels, the most profound of which is to embrace my personal power, stay centered and grounded and to know that there is nothing outside of my grasp unless I believe it is! I believe that on our journey to become our best and most productive self, this journey into the core of oursleves is a requirement.  I cannot recommend your Chakra Balance course enough!  ~ Ellen H.

Recent Graduates:

Madeline Andrews

Christine LaCoss

Linda Waters

Stephanie Frost

Donna McDine

Terry Bezner

Patricia Fors

Mazie Miles

Tina Penman

Leigh Cohen Wyatt

Ellen Hartwell

Tammy B.

Louise Vidaurri  – Certified Instructor

Tamera Standerfer


NOTE: Garris’ chakra balance course is being revamped for multi-dimensional learning and will be available in its new version in 2018.